Small Arms Survey Annual Report 2021
GENEVA—2021 was a productive year for the Small Arms Survey: indeed, the gradual resumption of travel opportunities and organization of in-person events throughout the year allowed us to implement 28 projects and consultancies.
Our work in 2021 focused on supporting effective arms control at the national level, strengthening sanctions implementation, monitoring illicit ammunition flows, analyzing transparency in the global authorized small arms trade, and producing region-specific research—to name a few.
We also broadened our scope of work both thematically and geographically. For example, we expanded our research on improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in West Africa, increased our focus on gender-responsive small arms control and its links to the Women, Peace and Security agenda, tracked the global proliferation of advanced MANPADS, partnered with the International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA) to strengthen the weapons and ammunition management (WAM) provisions of the Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers, and started a project with the Caribbean Community Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (CARICOM IMPACS) to bolster regional capacities to combat the illicit possession, misuse, and trafficking of firearms and ammunition.
We are proud of the work accomplished. We look forward to what lies ahead and thank you—our partners, donors, and community—for your continued support.
Read the Small Arms Survey Annual Report 2021